IT Capacity Management

Bottom line: IT environments grow

The challenge: Most organizations do not have a programmatic way to handle capacity in their environments.

For example: When you add a new user to the environment what triggers are in place to determine specific capacity management events? A few things that need to be considered:

  • Network capacity (number of ports, bandwidth, security, licensing, etc)
  • Server capacity (CPU, memory, licensing, High Availability, DR, etc)
  • Storage capacity (local storage, backups, replicated environments, testing / training, DR, etc)
  • Application capacity (licensing, capabilities, etc)
  • Data center capacity (space, HVAC, UPS, etc)
  • Systems Administration capacity (number of administrators, skill levels, support tools, monitoring, software licensing, etc)
  • Operations capacity (number of people, call center capacity, space, software licensing for support products, etc)
  • Supporting Applications capacity (Database, backup software, ancillary applications, data feed engine, licensing, etc)

We can help by bringing a proven capacity management model to the table. Complete with monitoring (for the capacity triggers), reporting and workflow automation. The main benefits of capacity management are:

  • Controlling costs by reducing out of band purchases and maintenance of out of date hardware
  • IT resources are optimized
  • The necessary capacity is available when needed
  • Growth of IT is matched with the business needs
  • Reduced incompatibilities and faults in the infrastructure